Nourish Spring 2017 Webinar Series

The Nourish cohort has identified five key topics for work and learning for a Spring 2017 webinar series. The webinars will be designed with and for the cohort innovators, healthcare foodservice and procurement professionals, but are open to the public to share the thinking, tools, and strategies from the program with a broader audience. The series is in development with topics outlined below. 


1 | Systems mapping and the case for reconnecting food and health - Friday, March 17 @12pm EDT

2 | Traditional Foods and Reconciliation - Wednesday, March 29 @2pm EDT

3 | Getting more of what you want: more powerful procurement - Thursday April 21 @ 1pm EDT *UPDATED

4 | Food systems questions and the role of anchor institutions - Thursday, May 25th @ 1pm EDT *UPDATED

5 | Myths and misunderstanding: Policy and regulatory barriers to more patient-centred food in care - COMING

Register here for individual webinars or the whole series and to get full details.